Weekly News: Preparing for the puppy and getting shit done

Queer Household

So another week has passed and we have made ourselves busy with cleaning and organizing. Few unexpected things happened, like an incidence with our refrigerator, but mostly we have just spent time at home doing house chores and working on projects. We are counting days (and dimes) until the day we can take our new family member to its new home.

Puppy stuff and crafting

We decided that it’s better not to leave everything for the last week and started getting the essential items for our new puppy. As huge DIY persons we’ve been doing our best to save a dime everywhere we can. Also as designers specialized in clothes we know lots about materials and what can go wrong with those. We are really picky! We know that children’s clothes have serious standards but we are not so sure about pet supplies (I think most pet foods have better standards than human food but just eying the labels of treats made me shiver). We ended up making the dog bed. Be prepared, a tutorial is coming! Also as we hate plastic clutter we’ve decided to do our best with making the toys by ourselves unless we can find data and standards. To be honest, especially all the knotted toys are dead easy to make and I’m so happy that I can channel my crafting obsession to something useful!

We still have to declutter few spots in our apartment but last night we successfully made space in the pantry for dog food. Most of the upcoming cleaning chores will consider me as I have a terrible habit of leaving my stuff lying around. My shoes are always taking up space beside the front door (even tough we just got a neat closet for shoes) and I leave my clothes all around the bedroom. I should also mention all my knitting and crocheting stuff occupies several spots on the floor which are going to take serious damage if I don’t put them to better spots. It’s time for me to make new habits!

Puppy Stuff - Queer Household
Our mostly DIY puppy stuff!

New refrigerator

We had been wondering that there must have been something wrong with our fridge for a while as the dairies didn’t seem to last very long. Well, in Saturday morning we discovered that the insides were only as cool as the air in the apartment. Bang, time to get a new fridge. I went through an extremely stressful phone call with our land lord (we’ve had some disagreements in the past) and got to the solution that we go buy a new fridge and pay less on the next rent. I think that was the least painful way, really. We are not comfortable to go shopping with the land lord nor are we willing to let him walk in our home like he did in the past. The best idea was that we do a bit more work and continue our weekend without stressful people.

Hey, now we have a pretty, CLEAN, new refrigerator to store our food! It’s a great feeling to get something new to the apartment especially as this one was really worn out when we moved in and decided to do some renovation. The home appliances are something we never had a change to touch. Now we just keep our fingers crossed that the stove doesn’t explode or anything.

Making Pancakes - Queer Household
As the old fridge broke and we had stocked it full just the day before we had to use the 2 litres milk somehow. So pancakes!

Preparing for the first of May

Iida started making mead which is traditional first of May drink. I’m not a fan of the stuff but she likes it. Well, it’s home-made with good ingredients so at least it’s million times better that store-bought soft drinks. In Finland the first of May is considered as a carnival party for the working folk topped with a fair on the market place. All the candy and balloons! Young adults have a habit of wearing funny costumes and just getting unbelievably drunk. Actually most non-religious holidays in Finland are about getting really drunk.

We don’t usually take part in the first of May partying as we are quite introverts and prefer the peace of our home but this year our dear friend Heta is having a party. She is celebrating her graduation and we just can’t miss the fun. Obviously we can’t get too involved in partying as the next day we are supposed to drive all the way back to Jyväskylä to take our puppy home. Can’t wait!

Dream boards finished. Finally!

We finished the dream boards we started. It was unbelievably painful process but maybe that tells how much we need to do something like that. I can’t believe how hard it is to figure out what I want from life and then put it into a visual form. Iida had to look for some guidelines for making visual dream boards to tackle the difficulties. For me it is hard to wish for certain things in life and admit that I really want something. Gosh, there really is some big things we should work on.

We are going to write more about making that kind of boards later. You can also start preparing for a post about setting goals and working for them.

Finished Dream Boards - Queer Household
The dream boards were a pain in the ass! There is Iidas on the top left, our shared work related board below and then on the right is mine.


How was your week? Do you have a story about getting a puppy to your new home for the first time? We are eager to hear!

Cheers, Janina

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