Is the Konmari Magic True?

Do you believe in magic?

We finished our Konmari journey in the beginning of the year 2016. It took us about six months to complete the project and now we have been living in our much more minimalist home for few months.

In her book The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up organizing expert Marie Kondo opens her method of decluttering one’s home and life to change how one thinks and achieve good things in life. She tells examples of her clients who have lost weight, gained new job career or ended a long time relationship to pursue their own interests.

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Three currently inspiring things

Three currently inspiring things

Times have been bit hard lately and there has been lot of negative energy going around in my mind. As positive things are one of the best ways for me to recover from stressful situations, Janina advised me to write about nice, positive and inspiring things in my life this week. Positive thoughts feed positivity so here goes nothing!

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Weekly News – Election and puppies

Queer Household

This week has been exiting. We have been spending the week on the road while driving around the region first to visit University and at the end of the week visiting Dinacon kennel to see whippet puppies.

Votes for women!

Finnish parliament election is happening this week. At first we were supposed to vote earlier during the week but we ended up voting during the official election day, Sunday.

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After graduating we’re unemployed millennials

Both of us got our degrees as clothing designers during the year 2014. With the glorious feeling of getting out of the school also came something we should have been expecting. Questions. Especially the question: “What now?”.

It has been asked by many people and not least by ourselves. We were both putting so much effort on getting our asses out of the academy that we hadn’t had time nor energy to start thinking about the future and make plans. Not to even mention working on getting things settled. I graduated right before summer and I just slipped to what I had been doing before: I went to work at a summer time theater. No big questions about that.

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Weekly News – Tea and projects

Queer Household

The fuel of life

Well, I just got my morning tea in front of me. It’s good. Breakfast blend from Fortnum & Mason. As said, we are quite precise on what kind of tea we like and I just have to say that there is nothing that can beat a good cuppa. Our blog wouldn’t exist without tea and I’m afraid that we wouldn’t even get up in the morning if we didn’t know that in the kitchen there is beautiful and aromatic black tea leaves just waiting for the steaming hot water.

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Yay, it’s my bithday! Reflecting the last year

Reflecting the last year

I turned 26 last Thursday. I’m actually quite exited to get closer and closer to the magical thirties which is said to cause several crisis. I don’t believe in the crisis. Maybe because I haven’t hit that mark yet but also maybe because the last years have been more or less a crisis to me. I’m looking forward to get rid of my confusing years.

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How I’m coping with depression – 10 tools for everyday life

10 Tools for Coping with Depression

I have walked a long journey with depression and anxiety and by this day I’ve come to realise that sometimes I need a good pack of tools to help me cope with my destructive thinking and low mood. When an anxiety attack comes I’m not very likely to start searching for something to boost my mood so it is handy to sneak these working coping methods into the mind so if we are lucky they might just pop out in the right moment. When you feel that you aren’t good enough and everyone else is judging you even though they don’t admit it, it’s definitely time get something positive going on and tackle the beast.

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