Don’t wait to find a great role model – become the role model!

If you can't find a role model you should become one

One day, while doing the dishes, I was watching Miss Representation, a documentary about female representation in media. It zooms into a picture media draws about women and how it effects the possibility of women to get into leading roles in companies. I’m a huge feminist myself and I’ve grown even more emphatic during the last year as I’ve got more confidence and a possibility to teach kids about equality. At the same time I hate that we still have to fight for this.

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The Apple Dress: A personal story how clothes can make or break you

How Clothes Can Make or Break You

Few years back I worked in a gift shop as a sales assistant during one summer. Everyone there had clothing provided by the firm to wear at work, 60’s style knee length dress with open armholes and colourful apple pattern. That apple dress was to become my worst enemy in terms of feeling good of myself but after all it was also the key.

Clothes and style is so personal that even small things can throw it off. You perhaps know the feeling from your own childhood. An accident including juice, milk or anything liquid. You messed your clothes and  then you had to borrow something to wear from your cousin against your will: your aunt, mother or grandma insisted. There was always something wrong with the borrowed piece. Maybe the colour was wrong, the material was scratchy or it just smelled funny.

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Valentine’s day Problematics with Heteronormativity in Imagery

Make It a Queer Valentine's Day

Boy offers red roses to a blushing girl in a dress, the empty space is filled with flowers and red hearts. I give up trying to find a Valentine’s day card to my same sex spouse from the bookshop. Every queer themed image is important, because there’s so little of LGBTIQ imagery. Art has ability to change the viewer but it also grows along changing society. Love isn’t just boy and girl kissing.

Love isn’t heteronormative but often described like it and around Valentine’s day the imagery is everywhere. As a visual person it angers me to see the void of queer imagery in the media, because by creating something people are able to see and watch, makes it somehow more real. It’s a tangible evidence of the creator and the subject.

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